Thursday, July 9, 2009

Young Avengers #1-12

This volume, which I shall link, is awesome. I'm like for reals in love with the Young Avengers. This contains the first 12 issues, plus Annual #1. The first four YA are, Iron Lad, Asgardian, Hulkling, and Patriot. And we follow their wacky adventures up until like page 20 at which time they crash a wedding that is being held hostage. Kate Bishop is there and basically saves their asses. Then Kate meets Cassie Lang (Scott Lang's daughter) and they both join the YA! After much arguing and what-not. Kang is also involved in a very confusing time-traveling and annoying way. So yea.

I just love the promo work for this new series. Because it is just so misleading. Anywho, characters I love are Wiccan (Billy), yea you can't have a gay hero with the name 'Asgardian', far too many jokes to be made. But I love his relationship with Teddy (Hulkling)!! And he was a twin brother Thomas (Speed). Now all you comic nerds, who are the parents of these twins? And I thought that when Billy tried to come out as a superhero his parents thought he was coming out as gay. HAHA good times.

Also the love/hate relationship with Kate and Patriot is great and the Young Vision is just so great because him and Cassie have this really awkward thing. (Read to find out, yea?) So, me love this series, it's funny and sometimes sad, with great writing and artwork!!! And the back and forth between the adults and the young avengers is hilarious.

And this comic is the winner of two great awards: 2006 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comic Book, and The 2006 Harvey Award for Best New Series.

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